//Single High Cap Script File V1.1.0, 15th Sept, 2007 // //Added Wintersteiger Sub Sampler commands for right hopper //DELTA with autom. sampletaker //to open the right hopper at the same time as the Plot door opens (V2.1.1.12(14)) // // Close the Aux // Close, Aux, NoTime // Open the Aux 1.5 seconds from now // // Read the data we want to see // Read, EM Sensor, Moisture // Read the moisture Read, General Settings, TotalWeight // Read the total weight Read, EM Sensor, Test Weight // Read the test weight // //The following is for the backup log // Read, EM Sensor, EMFreq //Current F Read, EM Sensor, CurVolts // Current V Read, SlopeAndMotion, SMFactor //Slope and Motion Q Read, General Settings, TareVolts //Zero V Read, General Settings, TareFreq //Zero F Read, EM Sensor, EMTemp //Temp // Deal with the right hopper to trigger sampletaker // Moved right hopper up so the sample taker will triger sooner Open, Right Hopper, NoTime // Open the right hopper // // Open and Close the plot // Open, Plot, OpenStateTimer // Open the plot Close, Plot, NoTime // Close the plot Close, Right Hopper, NoTime // Close the right reset Act3 CheckTare, All //need to check the tare BEFORE the AUX opens // // Open the Aux // Open, Aux, NoTime //Open Aux SaveData //Save the data and move to the next plot // end of script file